Shop Talk: 2021-08-02

The Recording

The Panelists

  • Kevin Feasel
  • Mala Mahadevan
  • Mike Chrestensen

Notes: Questions and Topics

PrintNightmare Updates

Just in case you thought PrintNightmare was done, it’s not. This bypass isn’t as bad as the original exploit, but given that this is a bypass response to a patch Microsoft just put out, it’s a good indicator that we’ll have more print spooler problems to deal with over the coming months.

Using Lookup Tables and the OTLT Anti-Pattern

Mike then regaled us with a story about lookup tables, though by “lookup table” he referred to metadata about tables and columns rather than reference data. I took the opportunity to talk about the One True Lookup Table anti-pattern and where it can all go wrong, and all three of us recommended that you read SQL Antipatterns.

Regular Expressions in SQL Server?

Mark H. asked a good question:

Do the recent versions of SQL Server come with (.Net framework) regular expression support?

The short answer is, no. The longer answer is that you can use SQLCLR to call out to C# code and have been able to since 2005. You could build your own implementation or use Solomon Rutzky’s SQLSharp library, which I highly recommend. I also pointed out the ability to use SQL Server Machine Learning Services to do this in R (since SQL Server 2016), Python (2017), and Java (2019), though Solomon rightly points out that this is more a hack solution than a great one, as you have to send the entire dataset to ML Services and it would not work well in a row-by-row operation.

Solomon and I then got off onto the topic of CLR strict security, and I recommend a lengthy series on the topic that Solomon wrote. Start with part 1 and check the sidebar for the other parts of the series. In short, CLR strict security is the answer to a question nobody asked.

At the end of the show, we also spoke a bit pessimistically about the future of CLR and how it’s likely to struggle along in the background as .NET Core takes over. I’d like that not to be the case—one area where SQL Server is way behind other relational database management systems is in the relative lack of capability for extensibility scripting. Compare this to something like PostgreSQL, where you can write functions and procedures in multiple languages natively (and others with plugins) and you can see the problem even more clearly.

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