The Recording
The Panelists
- Kevin Feasel
- Mike Chrestensen
- Mala Mahadevan
- Special Guest Star Bart Vernaillen
Notes: Questions and Topics
Bart Talks Performance
Our first topic was a bit of an interview, one that Mala put together with Bart Vernaillen, a Belgian consultant who has developed a couple tools around shredding execution plans, finding good index candidates, and so on. He showed off a bit of his work and talked about potential future plans. If you want to learn more about his tools, reach out to him on LinkedIn and say TriPASS sent you.
Regex Support in Azure SQL DB
Microsoft has introduced a private preview of regular expression support in Azure SQL Database. Anders and I went back and forth a bit on the value of this, with Anders being strongly opposed and me being generally in favor.
Mike Likes Azure Data Studio
We wrapped the show up with a quick discussion of why Mike really like Azure Data Studio. If you haven’t used Azure Data Studio in the past, the discussion may be of interest to you. The product isn’t for everybody—if you’re a classic DBA, you’re going to find the product more limiting than SQL Server Management Studio. But for developers or people with hybrid roles, Azure Data Studio has matured into a good tool.