Shop Talk: 2024-09-09

The Recording

The Panelists

  • Kevin Feasel
  • Mala Mahadevan
  • Mike Chrestensen

Notes: Questions and Topics

The State of the Database Landscape

Our primary topic for the evening was a review of Red Gate’s State of the Database Landscape 2024 survey. Red Gate received 3849 responses and put together a great deal of information, so we covered a fair amount of it. I also got sidetracked a couple of times on specific choices for visuals, but that complaining aside, I appreciate all of the work Red Gate put into the survey and their findings were interesting enough that we discussed them for quite some time.

OpEx vs CapEx

Along the way, ENHANCE_QC brought up a comment about operating expenditures versus capital expenditures in chat and I dove into the topic a bit, referencing a couple of slides from a talk I deliver on saving money in the cloud.

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