Shop Talk: 2024-07-15

The Recording

The Panelists

  • Kevin Feasel
  • Mala Mahadevan
  • Mike Chrestensen

Notes: Questions and Topics

Shop Talk: Now with Added Decibels!

Our first topic was me talking about some of the audio silliness I put up with for years because I didn’t know any better. I blame nobody but myself for hiding all of those decibels for so long. Things are better now, by which I mean I’m a lot louder. It also means that people who don’t speak English will understand me better. Because I’m louder.

Version-Specific Functionality

Mala brought up our primary topic for the day, a post on X from Grant Fritchey regarding version-specific functionality. My official ranking of responses is:

  1. Build and optimize for what you have if it’s an internal app. If your systems are running SQL Server 2022, take advantage of what the product has. Don’t limit yourself to old versions of T-SQL for some silly reason. I specifically disagreed with one response talking about limiting T-SQL to “2008/2012”—which is itself a wild answer, considering that 2012 was a huge change in the T-SQL surface area. Think about extended window functions, TRY_CAST(), PARSE() and TRY_PARSE(), CONCAT(), OFFSET/FETCH, and the use of sp_describe_first_result_set. Those are available in 2012, not 2008.
  2. If you are building something for internal use, don’t build “for portability” unless you actually port databases with regularity. Because almost no company actually does that. They stick with a platform for decades, and even if a database does move from one platform to another, it’s a one-time thing. You’re crippling your database capabilities in an attempt to be the lowest common denominator.
  3. If you are building a third-party product as an ISV and you expect your database to be “real” (in the sense that you have sufficient data and number of queries per second that it couldn’t comfortably run on a Raspberry Pi), build for each platform you support. Don’t use generic ANSI SQL just because you’re supporting SQL Server, Oracle, PostgreSQL, and MySQL. Write and use T-SQL for SQL Server, PL/SQL for Oracle, etc. Take advantage of what’s in each platform and then have your application’s data layer sort out the differences so that your business objects can be the same regardless of the data platform technology.
  4. If you are building a third-party product as an ISV and your database can comfortably run on a Raspberry Pi, go ahead and do whatever you want.


Our next topic was a good article from Daniel Calbimonte on normalization. I covered this on Curated SQL, but wanted to get a bit further into detail on why I argue that atomicity is not actually a pre-requisite for 1st Normal Form. In Daniel’s defense, a lot of references on database design and normalization include atomicity as a pre-req, but I base my argument on CJ Date’s definition of 1NF and his critique that “atomic” doesn’t actually have a precise meaning, whereas each rule of normalization must have a precise mathematical definition.

I also touched upon a fantastic essay from Phil Factor about the entity-attribute-value anti-pattern. I don’t know that I’ve ever met Phil (though if you’re out there, let me know—I can keep a secret!) but this is a must-read essay.

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