The Recording
The Panelists
- Kevin Feasel
- Mala Mahadevan
Notes: Questions and Topics
Happy Disappearing Sun Day
There was an eclipse, though the Research Triangle area didn’t have a good view of it, so Mala and I riffed on it a little bit.
Hype Versus Reality: Direct Lake
Our first real topic was a great article by Marco Russo, with input from Kurt Buhler, on Direct Lake and where it actually fits in the Power BI world. I think it’s perfectly fair to talk up Direct Lake as a very nice capability, while still recognizing that it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution or a total replacement for anything currently in place.
How to Create a Legendarily Bad Database
Mala gave us the heads up on our other topic of the night, an article by David Tate on how to create a legendarily bad database. I was concerned that the advice would create a merely bad database, but I think David does a good job of taking it the extra mile and making me want to nuke the setup from orbit, because it’s the only way to be sure.